We are happy to announce that our cartwheel photo contest is up. Are you ready to join the cartwheel challenge? Here are the rules:
1) Donate $10 using the donate button on this blog and email a picture of you or someone you know doing a cartwheel to have a chance to win one of 10 prizes. Email your picture to: cartwheelstoukraine@gmail.com. You can enter different pictures as many times as you'd like at $10 each.
2) When you donate the $10 leave your email address in Paypal's comment section so we know which cartwheel is yours.
3) We will post the cartwheels on Triple Treasures Facebook Album.
4) Have all of your friends visit the album and "like" the cartwheel they like most (probably yours!).
5) The top 10 vote getters will win prizes (prizes to be announced as we accumulate them)! The winners will pick their prize in order of most votes.
Winning cartwheel photos will be announced on November 19, 2012.
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